這次Coffee Review提出的二月Issue主題是"The Forgotten Art: Blends From Two or More Origins."(for drip applications only),這次CR算是一種讓大家喝看看甚麼是傳統風味…(其實也沒有太古老啦, 頂多幾年前而已~~),文章內容有談到我們,想做個紀念,內容資節錄如下,
Kakalove Café “Wilderness Blend”
Caesar Tu, owner of and head roaster for Kakalove Café in Taiwan, is well known to Coffee Review for his impeccable sourcing and roasting across a wide range of coffee offerings. He took a poetic approach to naming this blend, comprised of four coffees. He was listening to a song in D major when he roasted the coffees, so he deemed it “D Major Blend.” But his colleagues who tasted it convinced him to change the name to “Wilderness Blend” because, for them, it evoked a remote wilderness hike, serene and relaxing. The coffee is a blend of two Ethiopias (a washed and a natural Yirgacheffe from the Adado washing station), a Kenya (from the Mukangu washing station) and a honey-processed El Salvador (from Finca Guayabo).
Caesar是kakalove cafe的老闆兼烘豆師,他的選豆眼光和烘豆技巧在Csffee Review素負盛名,總能提供我們豐富多樣的咖啡。(上面這段就…不用想太多了,記者總是需要些介紹詞:P ) 這次的調和豆使用四種豆子,命名的過程頗有詩意,他在烘豆時,正聽著一首D大調的歌曲,因此命名為「D大調」。但夥伴杯測後,內心浮現的是在偏遠荒地健行的景象,既幽然又舒心,便說服他將「D大調」改名為「荒原配方」。這支咖啡混合兩款衣索比亞豆(水洗和日曬味耶加雪夫,皆來自Adado處理廠)、一款肯亞豆(來自Mukangu 處理廠),以及一款蜜處理薩爾瓦多豆(來自Finca Guayabo)。
Tu’s primary goal for the blend was to present a sweet coffee that would be light-roasted, yet low in acidity. A common complaint Tu hears from local coffee-drinkers is that lighter roasts strike them as too acidy. So, he developed the roasts of each component a bit longer than he normally would to slightly reduce the perceived acidity, but maintain sweetness.
Have Fun~
Kakalove Roaster