
這次的每月主題是Value Coffees,要求是12 ounces售價在USD 15以下的豆子,大概是一磅台幣590左右,那價格是一般人可以承受每天喝的咖啡價格。(我猜是以美國的生活水準來看。)會有這種主題是因為Coffee Review發現2017 Top 30的咖啡只有四支是在USD15/ 12 ounces 以下。

( 文章說: To put that price point in perspective: Only four of the coffees we recognized in our Top 30 Coffees of 2017  sold for less than $15 per 12 ounces. True, half of the coffees on that 2017 list sold for under $19 per 12 ounces, still a very attractive price for such exceptional coffees, but the rest sold for significantly more—as dauntingly high as $206 per 12 ounces. )

這次入選的是Guji DeriKorcha 白蜜處理,送這隻只是單純覺得這隻豆子很有趣,相較一般衣索比亞的酸質,它的甜感反而較為突出。入選之後,收到幾個提問,關於品質跟價格的如何決策,畢竟較高品質意味著較高的付出。他們想知道當我們購買了這些微批次後,怎麼去平衡較高的成本跟一般人能支付的售價。




Ethiopia Guji Deri Korcha White Honey

Aroma: 8

Acidity/Structure: 9

Body: 9

Flavor: 9

Aftertaste: 8


Blind Assessment:

Sweetly pungent, high-toned. Dried apple, orange blossom, toffee, cedar, dark chocolate in aroma and cup. Sweetly tart structure, with juicy acidity; buoyant, silky mouthfeel. The finish is deeply sweet and resonant, with notes of orange blossom and toffee in the short, rounding to chocolate in the long.


<這是Coffee Review 2018 三月物美價廉(Value Coffee)主題第二高分的豆子。>


Coffee Review Report:


Value Coffees: Searching for the Exceptional at Everyday Prices